To add your MS Azure environment to Goliath, you will need the following:
Note: If you haven't yet created a Goliath Cloud Monitor Account, you can do that here.
- Application (client) ID
- Secret ID
- Tenant ID
- Subscription ID
The following sections describe how to create and obtain the information above as well as how to add your environment to Goliath.
- Create and register an App within your Azure subscription
- Assign a Role to the newly created App
- Create a new Certificate and Secret for the App
- Add your environment to Goliath
Create and register an App
- Within the Azure console, go to Azure Active Directory > App registrations and click + New registration.
- Provide a name for the app, for example goliathmcm and leave the default, Single tenant option selected
- Click Register.
Assign a Role to the App
- Got to your subscription home page and click Access Control (IAM).
- Click + Add then Add role assignment
- In the Role section, select Reader
- In the Members section, click + Select members and find the app you created earlier from the dialog that opens.
- Click Select to select the app.
- Back in the Members section, the app is added.
- Click Review + assign to add the role.
Create a new Certificate and Secret
- Within the Azure console, select App registrations then select the new app you created.
- Click + New client secret.
- Provide a name for the secret and select an expiration time period and click Create.
NOTE: When a secret expires you will need to return to this step and create a new one, then update it within GMCM.
Add the MS Azure Environment to the Goliath Cloud interface
- Go to goliathapp.com
- Sign in with the credentials you were provided.
- From the Type option, select MS Azure
- In the Add Environment dialog that opens, enter a display name, for example "MS Azure"
- In the remaining fields, you will need to locate the details within the Azure console for the items you just created and enter them.
- Application (client) ID
- Secret ID
- Tenant ID
- Subscription ID
- Optionally select a Display Icon.
- Click Save.
The environment is added to the main menu on the left beneath an MS Azure parent menu object. Data will begin to populate the dashboards within a few minutes.
You can customize what is displayed on each dashboard by clicking the menu in the top right and selecting Customize Widgets.