This article has been updated to support v12.0.1 and newer Goliath Performance Monitor.
Prepare the Files
There are three files that are required for a Silent Install of the Goliath Intelligent Agent, and will need to be updated with the parameters for your environment for the silent install to be successful:
InstallAgent.exe: Agent Installer
- This is located in in the Goliath Performance Monitor install directory on the Goliath Server at C:\Program Files (x86)\MonitorIT or C:\Program Files\MonitorIT, depending on the product version
SetupVars.ini: Defines the parameters that will be passed through to the installer
- This is located in in the Goliath Performance Monitor install directory on the Goliath Server at C:\Program Files (x86)\ MonitorIT\Bin or C:\Program Files\MonitorIT\Bin, depending on the product version
InstallOrUpdateAgent.bat: Bat file that will execute the installer silently and reference path to SetupVars.ini
- This is located in in the Goliath Performance Monitor install directory on the Goliath Server at C:\Program Files (x86)\ MonitorIT\Bin or C:\Program Files\MonitorIT\Bin, depending on the product version
Update SetupVars.ini
Please update the fields in the SetupVars.ini file to reflect the applicable information about your Goliath configuration. Generic information is included by default.
%AppFolder% - mandatory field
- This should contain the directory in which the agent will be installed. The default location, C:\Program Files\MonitorIT is defined
%ServerIPAddress% - mandatory field
- This should contain the IP Address, hostname, dns name or FQDN of the machine that the agent will be communicating to. Specifically, the Goliath Server or Master Agent, if applicable.
%ServerPort% - mandatory field
- This is the port in which the agent will communicate on. The default communication port for Goliath is 443.
%AgentName% - Mandatory field
This field defines a specific name for the agent to register as in the technology. The field should look like this %AgentName% =
- Leaving the field blank will default the agent to use the Hostname of the machine (this configures the agent as if checking "Gold Image" check box)
This field defines a specific name for the agent to register as in the technology. The field should look like this %AgentName% =
Update InstallOrUpdateAgent.bat
The InstallOrUpdateAgent.bat file contains two paths, please update the appropriate paths in the InstallOrUpdateAgent.bat file to reflect the below information.
- The first path is to designate where the InstallAgent.exe file is located. This should be the fully qualified path, like a UNC path using FQDN to the file in a file share.
- The second path is to designate where the SetupVars.ini file is located. This should be the fully qualified path, like a UNC path using FQDN to the file in a file share. If the path is unknown but the INI file will exist in these same location as the EXE file, use .\ before the INI filename to reference the current path.
Deploy the Files
Agent Repository/Share
The installer and .ini files, InstallAgent.exe & SetupVars.ini, will need to be stored in a location or repository from which the Bat file will be able to connect to them.
Bat File Execution
The Bat file need to be deployed to the location where you will execute the silent install, or incorporated into any scripts for deployment. Note: If the machine restarts after BAT file execution, refer to the article here. Goliath recommends testing the silent install prior to deploying in production to confirm the behavior matches what you are looking to achieve.