This article was updated to support v11.7.8 of Goliath Performance Monitor.
This feature of Goliath allows one to filter in or out particular elements from their VMware, XenServer and Citrix environment. With our API integrations, Goliath is able to populate the entire inventory, but due to the size of your environment, you may not want to see and monitor all components. In this section, we will explain how to use the inventory filter.
Failure to setup inventory filter will result in degraded performance when using Goliath Performance Monitor, licenses being used by objects you do not want to monitor, and/or Increased resource overhead on the Goliath server and database. Goliath recommends reviewing all servers and other infrastructure objects BEFORE pulling them in using hypervisor integration.
Inventory Filtering Guidelines
Goliath Performance Monitor has many types/layers to its monitoring. For example:
- Windows OS monitoring (agent based)
- Linux/Unix OS monitoring (agent based)
- Citrix Virtual Apps & Desktops monitoring, on-prem & Citrix Cloud (via API and agent)
- VMware & XenServer hypervisor monitoring (via API)
With the multiple types of monitoring, the inventory filter can become quite complex when trying to figure out the best way to include/exclude machines/devices from the technology. Here are some general guidelines to help assist you with the configuration:
- The type options for "XenApp" refers to Citrix published apps and desktops that are ServerOS
- The type options for "XenDesktop" refers to Citrix Virtual Desktops that are DesktopOS
- The type option for "All Server Types" includes agents connections and would be defined by machine/device hostname
- The type options for "XenDesktop" and "XenApp", only one can be used at a time, for the respective type. For example:
- There can't be an include for both "XenDesktop Delivery Group" and "XenDesktop VDI", only one can be used at a time.
- There can't be an include for "XenDesktop Delivery Group" and and exclude for "XenDesktop VDI"
- The filtering will only take place for the specific type defined. For example:
- If your environment has both XenApp and XenDesktop, and you make an include filter for one specific XenApp Delivery group, the filter will bring in the entire XenDesktop inventory, and only the XenApp servers that belong to the delivery group defined.
- If you are monitoring both the Hypervisor and Citrix Virtual Apps & Desktops for your machines and want to do a filter for Citrix XenApp or XenDesktop, you must also make a subsequent filter for the hypervisor layer (ie VMware VM or XenServer VM) and agent connections. For example:
- Have a filter type for "XenApp Server"/"XenDesktop VDI", which filters the Citrix layer, a filter for "VMware VM"/"XenServer VM", which filters the hypervisor layer and then a filter for "All Server Types" which filters agent connections.
- Have a filter type for "XenApp Delivery Group"/"XenDesktop Delivery Group", which filters the Citrix layer, a filter for "VMware VM"/"XenServer VM", which filters the hypervisor layer and then a filter for "All Server Types" which filters agent connections.
Inventory Filtering from the ‘Settings’ Screen
- The INCLUDE section: Select a Server or Group TYPE from the drop own list. Then type a comma-delimited list of Server or Group names you want included in Inventory. All other Servers or Groups not listed for the selected TYPE are ignored. Start each Inventory specification on a new line. Multiple entries of the same or different TYPE allowed. The wild-card, asterisk character, '*', is accepted as the first or last character in a name. Double wild-card at beginning and end is not currently supported.
- Once the list of items you’d like to include/exclude are complete, select ok
- Find the items in inventory that you’ve chosen to exclude or are items that you haven’t chosen to include and delete them from inventory. Once removed, they will not be rediscovered.
- The EXCLUDE section: Select a Server or Group TYPE from the drop down list. Then type a comma-delimited list of Server or Group names you want excluded from Inventory. All other Servers or Groups not listed for the selected TYPE are included in inventory. Start each Inventory specification on a new line. Multiple entries of the same or different TYPE allowed. The wild-card, asterisk character, '*', is accepted as the first or last character in a name. Double wild-card at beginning and end is not currently supported.
- Once the list of items you’d like to include/exclude are complete, select ok
- Find the items in inventory that you’ve chosen to exclude or are items that you haven’t chosen to include and delete them from inventory. Once removed, they will not be rediscovered.