On the Application Availability Monitor > Analysis Page, when you drill down into an individual launch, the launch stage displays red for unsuccessful application launch, but the screenshot shows the application did in fact launch.
Troubleshooting Steps
The Application/Desktop launch verification is confirmed via the application/desktops window title. Please check the below items to confirm that the launch is configured correctly.
- On the launch endpoint, confirm that there is a file named "Wasp.dll" in the install directory of the agent (C:\Program Files\MonitorIT)
- On the endpoint, manually launch the application/desktop. Once it is launched, hover over the icon in the task manager. Once the window title is identified, make sure to enter it into the launch schedule (See screenshot in the Configure section, below).
- Examples:
- Application Example for Microsoft Word: "Document1 - Word"
- Desktop Example: "{Desktop Name} - \\Remote"
- Programmatically find the window title (while the app/desktop is launched)
- Open Task Manager and see what process the app/desktop is running as (receiver, wfcrun, wfica, cdviewer, etc)
- Open Powershell as admin and run the following command:
"Get-Process {process name} | select -ExpandProperty mainwindowtitle" - The output returns the window title (see image below for an example)
- Examples:
Additional Notes:
- The window title only needs to be a partial match
- If the Window title is similar to the application name try not to include the same words to avoid the technology thinking the Citrix Receiver loading bar is the application
Enter the application window title in the launch schedule.
- Name of the application to be launched
- Window title validation